UNIX commands acronym
- adb: a dreadful bug
another damn bug
antedilluvian bug eater - c++: cannot add
- cat: compose a tune
- cc: change channels
- cd: can't define
- cpio: corrupt process in operation
- cron: can run only nightly
- csh: complete sh
crash system and halt
crash system hardware
can't and shan't help - date: display a time estimate
- df: disk full
- dump: destroy user's modified programs
don't use my programs - ed: eject disk
- grep: get ready to eat the processor
greates request ever produced
gurus recovery expert program - lp: lose printout
- lpr: lose printout repeatedly
- lpr -m: mail me that you've lost printout repetedly
- ls: last supper
let's sex
less sex
let's see
long story - ls -l: lots of silly lines
- mail: make an infinite loop
- man: many ambitious notes
minimum assistance to novices
male aid needed - nroff: nearly random output file formatter
- od: obscures data
oh, dear - passwd: pick a seven symbol word, dummy
- ps: print suspects
- rm: read manual
realise mistake - rm -i: realise mistake (after impatient response)
- rm -r: read manual -religiously
- rmdir: randomly modify directories in root
- sh: sans historie
system halt - sort: shift, organise, rotate - truncate
- su: suspend user
- sync: sorry your network crashed
- time: totally inaccurate measure of execution
- vi: very insensitive
violate intuition
virtually impossible
virtually incompehensible
virtually intelligible
virtually inept - wait: wow! another idiot time consumer
humor/unix_commands_acronym.txt · Last modified: 20/12/2021 04:57 by lrosa