Correggere la data dei file maildir

Nel formato maildir la data del file รจ la data del messaggio.

Se si copia il file potrebbe non rimanere la data giusta, questo script la sistema:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Author : Jean-Yves Boisiaud
# Outlook (IMAP) manages mail dates from the creation date of the mail
# instead of the content of the field 'Date:', included into the mail.
# This script modifies the mtime of the mails, according to the 'Date:' field
# value.
# Before running the script, you have to build a list of the mail files.
# For example, with the MailDir format, the file has been built whith :
#   find /var/lib/vmail -type f -a -name '[0-9]*' > /tmp/toto
# Depending on the quality of the 'Date:' field, some mtime modification fails.
# You have to correct it manually.
# I ran it on 18733 mails, and 45 failed.
use strict;
my @a;
my $f;
my @b;
my @date;
my $d;
my @r;
my $s;
open(F, \"</tmp/toto\") or die \"can't open toto\";
@a = <F>;
chomp @a;
foreach $f (@a)
	open(F1, \"<$f\") or die \"can't open $f\";
        @b = <F1>;
        chomp @b;
        close F1;
        @date = grep /^Date: /, @b;
        next if scalar @date <= 0;
        $d = $date[0];
        $d =~ s/Date: (.*)$/$1/i;
        print \"$d\n\";
        @r = `/usr/bin/touch -md '$d' '$f' 2>&1`;
        print \"$f\n\";
        foreach $d (@r)
        	print \"$d\n\"