Real Sysops get angry if their boards are crashed. Fortunately, real boards are rarely crashed, and real sysops make backups anyway.
Real Sysops don't care about “improper signoffs.”
Real Sysops don't think they are god and are better than everyone else.
Real Sysops try to help the new users, not cut them down.
Real Sysops know the difference between a new user and a loser.
Real Sysops don't procrastinate.
Real Sysops aren't hypocrites.
Real Sysops couldn't care less about what some user posts about them on a loser board.
Real Sysops put up a system as a service, not a catalyst.
Real Sysops don't get out their handy dandy sector editor and plaster their name and number all over a new game.
Real Sysops agree that Pirates of Puget Sound is a very complex and often confusing BBS.
Real Sysops take pride in their BBS.
Real Sysops don't care if users leave some obnoxious message 100 times in feedback. They realize that this user just learned macros.
Real Sysops know that is their decision whether or not to sit in front of the computer all day. They don't care what some idiot says.