====== UNIX kernel errors ====== * **E**: Too verbose. * **e = m c^2**: Sub-atomic integrity violation. * **e = m c^2 + 1**: Illegal units conversion. * **E2BRUTUS**: Init killed by an adopted child. * **E2MANY**: Too many error codes. * **E2SMART**: Device or controller has a brain the size of the universe; can't be bothered with your stupid little read, anyway. * **E3PO**: Robot dumped. * **Eunprintable>**: Obscene error. * **EAC/DC**: Wrong type of socket. * **EAHUM**: I am thinking about one! * **EASTER**: Autoreboot in 3 days. * **EAR**: Please repeat question. * **EAT**: Data file munched. * **EBAD**: Bad error (not good). Naughty, naughty. * **EBADTASTE**: Compiling an operating system written in PASCAL. * **EBANKRUPT**: Out of cache. * **EBAPTIST**: Busy hands are happy hands. * **EBCDIC**: Dialect unknow. * **EBCDIC**: Not ASCII stream. * **EBUNNY**: Multi-hop access attempt. * **ECHAOTIC**: Chaotic or random error. * **ECHERNOBIL**: Connection melted. * **ECHO**: Duplicate argument found. * **ECIA**: You are not allowed to know. * **ECONSTIPATED**: Operation would block. * **EDCBA**: rev command not found. * **EDINGDONG**: The daemon is dead. * **EECK**: Mice in machine room. * **EEEEEEEE**: Infinite loop in program. * **EEEEEEEEEE**: Speaker too close to microphone. * **EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE**: Infinite loop detected. * **EEEEEK**: /dev/mouse escaped. * **EEK**: Dead mouse. * **EENYMEENYMINYMOE**: Scheduler can't decide wich process to run... * **EEXPORT**: Feature cannot be exported from the US. * **EEZY**: Task not sufficientely challenging. * **EFLAT**: File system needs tuning. * **EFREEZE**: Too cold to start. * **EGGONYOURFACE**: Memory fault: core dumped. * **EGOAWAY**: System is busy now. * **EGODOT**: Endless wait. * **EGODS**: Too many Baptist. * **EGOOD**: Good error (everyone should make(1) one). * **EGREP**: String not found. * **EH**: Say what? * **EIFORGET**: Out of memory. * **EILLITERATE**: Can't read or write. * **EIMPOTENT**: Unable to fork. * **EIQ0**: User error. * **EJIHAD**: Religious error. * **EKNOCK**: Who's there? * **ELASTICK**: Clock needs rewinding. * **ELECTROCUTION**: Attempt by finger to reach socket. * **ELECTROLUX**: Your code could stand to be cleand up. * **ELLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLLGOGERYCWHYRNDCJHDROBWLLLLAN**: String too long. * **ELODPOD**: LOgic Error Delayed until PrOgrammer Dead. * **ELUSIVE**: Invalid pointer. * **EMAEACULPA**: System error. * **EMARCOS**: No longer supported. * **EMIRROR**: Hardware error - See ESMOKE * **EMORTAL**: Can't kill the process. * **EMPOTENT**: Pipe too soft. * **ENIXON**: Tape problem. * **ENC**: No Comment. * **ENOARMSCONTROL**: Silo overflow. * **ENOBAR**: You have a Danish terminal. * **ENOBOZOS**: Stupid request. * **ENOCOFEE**: Queue too long. * **ENOCONTEST**: The judges decision is final. * **ENOCURRENT**: Bad socket. * **ENODICE**: Error in rand. * **ENOENO**: Musician not found. * **ENOERROR**: Just kidding. * **ENOFLUID**: CPU fluid level low (Cray 2 only). * **ENOGOOD**: Invalid system error. * **ENOGREYHOUND**: Bus error. * **ENOHOPE**: System halt. * **ENOISTRUCTIONSET**: Microcode failure. * **ENOJOY**: Speaker not found. * **ENOKISS**: Buss error. * **ENOLICENCE**: Bootleg kernel. * **ENOMONEYNOFUN**: Insert more coins. * **ENONO**: You can't do that. * **ENOP**: Operating system not present. * **ENOTMYFAULT**: Some other process generated the error. * **ENPHONEBOOK**: Directory does not exist. * **ENORMOUS**: Program too large. * **ENOSTRADAMUS**: Predicted result. * **ENOTME**: Not my fault. * **ENOTOBACCO**: Read on an empty pipe. * **ENOTONHORSE**: Mount failed. * **ENOUGH**: Infinite loop skipped. * **ENOUGH**: Time limit espired. * **ENOUGH**: Too many errors. * **ENOVICE**: Not in Miami. * **ENOWARP**: Out of dilithium crystals. * **EDNUF**: No more errors, please. * **EOBIWAN**: Force is not with you. * **EOK**: Doesn't conform to standards. * **EOOEAA**: Invalid hex format. * **EOOPS**: Program lost. * **EORGY**: Mount table full. * **EOSDMCC**: Operating System Drunk Methanol and Can't C. * **EPOF**: You have forgotten the power switch. * **EPRIVATE**: Can't tell you error. * **EPUBLIC**: Everyone knows better. * **ERABBIT**: Too many hops. * **EREALSOONNOW**: Feature not yet supported. * **ERG**: Requies too much effort. * **ERIP**: Process died. * **ERROR ?**: (The user will know what it means). * **ERROR**: Error. * **ESMOKE**: Software error - See EMIRROR * **ESP**: Error coming soon. * **ESQUAWK**: Something queer in awk. * **ET**: Cannot phone home. * **ET**: Phone home. * **ETEENAGER**: Runaway child process. * **ETHER**: Try STARLAN instead. * **ETHIOPIA**: Out of resources. * **ETPHONEHOME**: Hang up. * **EUNUCH**: /etc/dev not found. * **EUNUCH**: Mount request not possible. * **EUNUCH**: Unable to fork. * **EUSSR**: Usr core destroyed. * **EVITA**: Don't cry for me Argentina. * **EWATERGATE**: Extreme tape gap. * **EWHAT**: Unknown error. * **EX**: Old version detected. * **EXORCIST**: Cannot remove zombies. * **EXPORT**: Feature restricted out of US. * **EYAWN**: Algorythm too booring. * **EYOYO**: System about to crash. * **EZBAD**: Program erased all sources and died. * **EZRIDER**: Irregular machine cycles. * **EZZZ**: Interrupted sleep. * **EZZZZ**: Process asleep. * **E~~|{{{i|}r~**: Wrong baud rate. * **F**: Too many possible errors.