====== GOLDED.BETA ======
==== Descrizione ====
Area internazionale dei betatester di GoldED
==== Goldware International - Closed! :-((( ====
= [13] GoldEd Betatester (2:331/501.3) =========================== GOLDED.BETA =
Msg : #930 [12]
Da : Odinn Sorensen 2:236/77 Lun Lug 01 96 20:09
A : All
Ogg : Goldware International - Closed! :-(((
.MSGID: 2:236/77 31d830eb
.TID: GE 1.11+
* Crossposted in GOLDED
* Crossposted in GOLDED.BETA
* Crossposted in GOLDED.SITES
* Crossposted in GOLDED_R23.PNT
* Crossposted in R20_GOLDED
* Crossposted in GOLDED.GER
* Crossposted in GOLDBETA.GER
Hello All.
This is a very sad day for me. Today I was forced to close my company, Goldware
When I started Goldware International in 1991, I knew very little about
accounting and tax rules, and because of my ignorance I managed to build up a
substantial tax debt. Ever since my errors were discovered some years ago, my
economy has been very difficult. Then in fall/winter 1995, my income (GoldED
registrations) started a relentless dive toward zero. In may 1996 it had fallen
to an all-time low of 1/10 of the average of previous years. I could no longer
live on my business alone, so I considered some of my options: A job on the
side, an education on the side, or social security on the side. I chose the
latter as the best solution if I wanted to keep my business running, but I was
turned down. After further and very hard consideration, I have chosen to close
my business entirely and instead restart my education. Having my business at the
same time as an education or a job would be too stressful and both would suffer.
So how does this affect GoldED? When I don't have a business, I cannot take
payment for registrations. Therefore I have decided to change GoldED from
Shareware to Freeware status as of today. Maybe some day I will be able to
change it back to Shareware, but that is likely to be in the far future. As of
today, I no longer accept payment, and (to the best of my abilities) I will
return any payment I may receive after today. I cannot refund any payments made
to me before today, sorry. I have instructed all my registration sites to return
any registration payments that they receive on or after 1. july 1996. I cannot
guarantee that you can receive a 100% full refund if you have sent a payment to
a registration site on or after today. The reg.site may have had costs
associated with receiving the payment or other circumstances. Please be
understanding and don't blow this up to a big problem. Please also be aware that
I have cancelled *all* GoldED registration sites today. This means that as of
today, there are *no* GoldED registration sites at all. Note that it may be a
while before the now former reg.sites remove their reg.site banners, orderforms
etc. I hope that nobody will feel bad if they *just* registered before today and
can't get a refund. I'm sorry.
I am very grateful for your support until now, and I will do what I can to
continue work on GoldED even as a Freeware product. However, my education will
take first priority over everything else. My prior experience with having a
full-time job or education at the same time as working on GoldED showed me that
I can't do both very well. So I will put my main energies into the education and
do as much work on GoldED as I can in my spare time. Of course I would also like
to have a life, so GoldED may take third place or even lower in periods. My
education starts in early/mid august.
Future plans for GoldED: Actually not much has changed - my intentions are the
same, except that I will have less time to work on it. I am still working on the
advanced features and restructuring of GoldED \"Firebird\" v3.00. The next public
release will be the recently announced GoldED 2.51, which is basically a
slightly more stable GoldED 2.50 with the features and fixes of 3.00.Alpha1
incorporated. GoldED 2.51 will be released in the usual versions for DOS, 386
and OS/2 plus a new Win32 textmode version for Windows 95 and NT. I am still
working on finalizing 2.51, but it should be released early this month (july). I
am also working on a true Windows version as well as an OS/2 PM version.
Currently my GUI development work is still very much in the learning stage, but
I'm making pretty good progress. It shouldn't bee too long before I can begin to
show running versions of my design studies.
The coming GoldED 2.51 and future releases of 3.xx will have a built-in
registration key, so that you won't have to go to me or a reg.site to register
the program. Until then, I am releasing publicly a 100% free registration key,
which will work in all versions of all current and older GoldED releases. Here
it is:
REGISTERKEY 731E74072408340421751F527354752C1E0F
So, to make your GoldED registered, simply copy these three lines into your
GOLDED.CFG or into a file named GOLDED.KEY.
If you have a key already, please keep it safe - it may be worth something in
the future when/if GoldED becomes Shareware again. In the mean time, feel free
to use the free key instead, if you decide to change to a version that your
current key is not valid for.
I will stay tuned to the GoldED echoes and I will also continue to maintain the
WWW and FTP sites at winet.dk. My e-mail address is still odinn@image.dk, but
the odinn@ibm.net address has been cancelled, and I don't know how long I can
keep the odinn@winboss.dk address. My BBS and mailer is still open at the usual
number. My voice phone number has changed, because I had to close a line to save
money. My new voice number is: +45-58162225.
Bye for now.
--- GoldED/W32 2.51.A0620+
* Origin: http://www.winet.dk/goldware * e-mail: odinn@image.dk (2:236/77)
SEEN-BY: 203/614 234/96 236/5 77 100 310/79 331/128 501 504 341/19 440/6
SEEN-BY: 512/57 600/600
==== Status report 7. july 1996 ====
# messaggio archiviato Mon, 08 Jul 96
# Area : GOLDED.BETA (GoldEd Betatester)
# Da : Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77 (Do, 07 Lug 96 14:28)
# A : All
# Ogg : Status report 7. july 1996
@MSGID: 2:236/77 31dfd1ec
@TID: GE 1.11+
Hello All.
I have good news and bad news.
The good news is that I have been able to save my company! :-) As I wrote
last time, I had to choose between job, education or welfare on the side. As
it turned out, it was very limited what welfare help I could get, and if I
closed my company, I would owe a large sum for the VAT of the computer
equipment I bought for the business. Weighing the factors carefully, I chose
to keep my company. I am still going to take the education. The education is
Bachelor of Engineering and will take 3 1/2 years. It begins in august, but
due to the age of my exams, I have to take a "brush-up" course in math from
now until the normal education begins. The school is horribly far from my home
in Boeslunde, and public transportation takes 2 hours each way. Because of
this, I have chosen (had to choose) to move to a room in a student hostel a
few hundred meters from the school. I'm moving a lot of my stuff there already
today. I don't know my exact address yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I
The bad news is that I am unable to pay my phonebill, so I have to close my
FidoNet nodes for an unknown period of time, starting right now. In the period
where I am out of FidoNet, I will ask one of the reg/support sites to forward
messages for me.
Because my company was not closed, I am hereby *revoking* the freeware status
of GoldED and withdrawing the free key with the serial number 7777DK7. Future
versions (2.51 and next 3.00.Alpha) will not recognize the key as valid.
Please stop using it.
In other words, GoldED is now again *shareware* and payment is once again
required if you decide to keep it after the evaluation period.
PLEASE NOTE, however, that not all of the former reg.sites will be opened
again. Specifically, the FidoNet Zone 1 coordinator and his sites have closed.
Replacements will be set up as soon as possible, if possible, but it may take
some time. Because of my temporary pause from FidoNet, communication between
me and the reg.sites may be difficult, so please have patience while we are
sorting out the mess.
Until I'm back in FidoNet (which may possibly be only as a point, at least in
the beginning), you can only send me mail via Internet. Until further notice,
use the odinn@image.dk address. I should be able to access it from the schools
Internet connection. I should be getting a school-specific Internet address
soon. I will let you know what it is when I get it. For regular status
updates, try checking out my homepage at http://www.winet.dk/goldware. I
haven't had time to update it with all the new happenings, but I hope to get
it updated within the next week.
--- GoldED/W32 2.51.A0620+
* Origin: http://www.winet.dk/goldware * e-mail: odinn@image.dk (2:236/77)
SEEN-BY: 234/96 236/5 77 100 310/79 331/501 504 341/19 440/6 512/57 600/600
@PATH: 236/77 331/501